As you may remember, I'm moving. This has required a significant amount of work
to get stuff packed. I've been making some progress. I have dug out enough to be
able to list *some* of what I have that I don't want to move.
Please make offers. I'll consider anything "reasonable" (I'm not
expecting eBay prices
but I'm not going to give the stuff away either). I'm trying not to ship stuff
because frankly I don't have the time. If you're not in the area and really want
it'll probably be best if you can get someone who's local (San Jose/San Fransisco
California area) to pick it up and get it shipped.
My plan is to get everything moved before October 1. After that anything that I'm
moving will go to Weirdstuff.
I've put a lot of stuff on pallets for my ease of handling. You'll get a
"deal" if you take
the pallet as-is (ie take the lot).
I have a lot of small stuff. Sorry but I can't search for little items. If you come
by I'll
let you search through the various piles of stuff but I won't.
OK, so much for the "fine print". Here's a *partial* list:
MicroVAX 3100 (30's, 40s, 80s and 90s)
VaxStation 3100 (I think)
DEC Rainbow 100 (in it's original box...somewhat worse for wear)
Printer for DEC Rainbow
Documentation for DEC Rainbow
HP Apollo (don't know more than that)
12-15 RL01/RL02 drives. I don't know the condition. Some look good, others, well
4+ RK05 drives. Most of these don't work (from my notes) but shouldn't require a
5-6 Fujitsu Eagle drives. Don't know the condition but they look OK.
2-3 MicroVAX in BA23s
Sun IPX (not sure how many)
Sun IPC (not sure how many)
Sun SS10 (1 or 2)
Sun SS20 (1 or 2)
Sun Ultra 5
Sun Ultra 10
SWTPC (no idea what's in the case)
4-5 DECWriter IIIs
2-3 KSR/ASR33s of various types and conditions
Micro PDP11s in various cases. Some are in BA23s, some are OEM cases
3-4 MicroVAXs in BA123
3-4 ADM3a. Don't know the condition
4-5 VT100. Don't know how well they work
4+ PDP-11 11/34s (a couple are still in racks)
2+ PDP-11 11/44s
a few PDP-11 11/84s (I know one is complete. I'm not sure what state the others are)
1-2 PDP-11 11/24s
1-2 PDP-11 11/05 or 11/10 (these are minimal)
a few BA11F chassis (some empty some full of backplanes full of cards)
TU80 tape drive
TU81+ tape drive
3-4 Kennedy tape drives (some in racks)
5-6 RX01/RX02 dual floppy drives
Contact me off-list.
TTFN - Guy