Let us not forget the *amazing* diversity of form
in the PC market in the
last 10 years! I have laptops, pen-based machines, hermetically sealed
touchscreen boxes, handhelds, luggables, even credit card PCs that are
distinctly classics and generally less than even 10 years olds.
I nominate the HP 200LX as a definite classic. It's a handheld XT clone
that has a very loyal following, and that is still being made (despite HP's
support of Windows CE which *theoretically* is supposed to make
handheld DOS machines obsolete...)
- Joe
They're good little machines, except the LCD display looses vertical lines
over time as the wires through the hinge break. Not quite 10 years old though.
Does being designed around XT class hardware count?
Jim Strickland
Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?