>> Pickles and Trout and I want to say
lighthouse, but could be wrong on
>> the second one.)
> You are probably thinking of "Lifeboat".
Besides peddling CP/M ports, Lifeboat for a while was the primary
"official" retail and wholesale outlet for Microsoft.
When Microsoft announced FORTRAN for TRS80, I needed some copies in a
hurry, for a community college to use for a FORTRAN class.
Lifeboat told me 2 weeks.
When they didn't show, I called and they said a few days.
When they didn't show, I called and they said already shipped.
When they didn't show, I called and they said a few days.
When they didn't show, I called and they said a few weeks.
I was going to be changing planes in Seattle on the way back from the
eclipse. I called Bob Wallace at Microsoft.
He ran off three copies, and waited for me at the airport.
Those were the first three copies.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at