I found your great web site. Would you please give me some advice? My A4000 with a
Cyberscsi I module does not always boot from the floppy or the hard drive (let alone from
external hard drives). I'm certain I've got proper end termination and a good
cable. When it does not boot from either the hard drive or the floppy it does not even
check in with the floppy as it should. I was wondering if you knew the proper voltages on
the hard drive power connector. Mine gave 5.0 volt and 11.77 volt. But my A200 give 5.0
and 11.23 (it also boots intermittantly). Also, whether a low density floppy would work in
place of the high density it comes with. I have a spare low density in case it is the
floppy which is intermittant. THanks for any comments. I bought all these and am having
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