On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Pete Turnbull
<pete at dunnington.plus.com>
On 23/03/2010 17:35, Chuck Guzis wrote:
As far as select--while it's nice to have a
drive with select jumpers,
it's also possible to take an inexpensive drive that's permanently wired
DS1 and simply swap the DS1 and DS0 lines at the connector--not exactly
"IBM PC twist", because you want to leave the motor conrol pins as-is.
the "twist" to get a DS1-only drive to recognize DS0 would be the 3-wire
bundle 12-13-14.
Er, no, DS0 is pin 10 so it would be 10-11-12. ?The "IBM twist" swaps DS1
(Device Select B, in IBM parlance) and DS2 (Device Select A) rather than
and DS1, and additionally swaps MotorOn with DS0.
Thanks, both!
I have a few bare drives knocking around, some of which are, I hope,
elderly enough that they have DS jumpers. If not, I don't think I
fancy trying to make this cable up... 8?(
How are you going to handle the data rate difference? ?If memory serves,
using ?1.44MB media results in a higher RPM and a higher data rate.