From: "Brad Parker" <brad at>
"Ulf Andersson" wrote:
Hello Gents & Ladies,
anyone here know anything about the physical dimensions of
UNIBUS and Q-BUS boards? I'd like to know, that's all.
I was just thinking about that this morning :-)
Does anyone have a blueprint which shows the "spec" dimensions?
I could use a micrometer but I thought it must be in a print somewhere.
I feel certain that this is in the logic handbooks. I have certainly done
CAD drawings of smaller DEC replica boards from the dimensions there without
And, while I'm asking, anyone have thoughts on
what will happen to QBUS
or Unibus backplane connector if I put a card with fingers which are
HASL finished (hot air solder layer) as opposed to gold?
The idea is that a production board would have gold fingers but a
prototype might just be "blown solder over copper", i.e. HASL. I'm just
wondering if the solder will damage the backplane fingers. I realize
that over time the solder will form channels and may stop working - I'm
not worried about that for a prototype.
I think it will be fine. I have done this with boards without problems,
though I haven't tried leaving them in there for 30 years or anything...
What do you know...I'm on topic :-).