When I get home, I'll see what I can do
Basically, the following have to match between the old and new CRTs
Deflection angle (almost certainly 90 degrees)
Neck diameter
Pin base
Heater voltage.
My experience is that small monochrome CRTs come in 2 classes. Those with
a thin neck, modified B7G base (like a 7-pin miniature valve, but with
the seal-off tube in the middle) and 12V heater. And those with a thicker
neck, B8H base (8 pins in a circle with a plastic keyway thing in the
middle around the seal-off tube) and a 6.3V heater.
The former is more common in classic computers and also in portable TVs.
I have seen a few of the latter in computers, though.
So if you get the right base and thus neck diameter, the yoke will fit,
the base connector will fit, and the heater voltage will be right.
The other electrode voltages (BTW, the pinout seems to be pretty much
standardised within a classs) are much less critical. You'll get
_something_ on the screen, you may have to tweak things a little to get
it perfect.