John A. Dundas III wrote:
At 10:38 AM
-0500 3/19/10, Jerome H. Fine wrote:
I am confused by some of your response to (b) and
(c). Are you
suggesting that
because there are problems which occur in RT-11, but not in RSTS/E,
the problems
which occur in RT-11 should not be fixed?
Definitely not. I am trying to point out where things that might be a
problem in RT are not necessarily a problem in RSTS, though.
I see that we now agree. Fortunately, the environment under which the
problems occur in RT-11 can be detected and will not impact the code
when executing under RSTS.
My goal is to
provide a common utility which functions correctly
under all OSs,
not just RSTS/E or RT-11. TSX-PLUS has different issues as well. I can
add code which solves the problems for RT-11, but since RSTS/E will
be impacted, a few additional lines can prevent any impact on
most programmers realize, when any changes are being made to a program,
the additional effort of fixing other problems is much less than if
done in a
separate operation.
Maybe. My approach would be to strictly limit (minimize) the amount
of change to that which is absolutely necessary to correct the defect,
thus minimizing the possibility of unintended consequences. I don't
know that that's necessarily different from your approach, maybe just
a different way of stating it.
However, since any solution means that the new version has to either
displace the
old version or be located on a different device, I chose the latter
alternative so that
both could be used and the results compared until everyone is confident
that the
new code works correctly. Since I am unable to do the testing myself,
this allows
everyone who chooses to help verify the new code to do so with minimum
risk since
the new MACRO / CREF can be in the user's private storage. If that is
not an
advantage, then I agree that there is no point to keeping the old version.
Still, even if
a few extra lines of code are required for the
transfer of control back and forth
via the .Chain command between MACRO and CREF as the contents of a
command file
are processed when one or both of MACRO or CREF are not on the SY:
device, I can't
see that as a huge problem based on the flexibility that provides.
All I'm saying is that this already works correctly under RSTS.
Caution should be exercised to not break what already works. I know
you're cautious.
The starting point was that only a few minor aspects seem to need fixing:
(a) The year in the date was only 2 digits.
(b) The time of the compile was only to the minute - I wanted the same
accuracy as the elapsed time
(c) The elapsed time seems to be the nearest hundredth of a second, but
was actually ticks since the number after the decimal point always
looped from 00 to 59. Checking the code confirmed it was ticks.
I already knew about the VBGEXE problems, so they were fixed as well.
Suddenly, I realized that the RSTS use might not be compatible. Plus, I
decided that there should be no reason why the files had to be on SY:, as
I just explained above.
To me, being cautious is allowing for testing against a known result over
an extended time period without any impact if that is possible.
By the way, I
can't think of any other program that uses CREF except
you know of any?
Sure. Could the linker and Fortran compilers could optionally use
it? [My memory is a bit hazy.] Other compilers did use it: BP2 [see
the /CROSS_REFERENCE switch], Pascal?, C [see the /CR switch], Cobol
[see the /CROSS_REFERENCE switch], and maybe other compilers used it
as well. I know many user-written utilities, including some of my
own, used it as it was a well documented interface.
Under RT-11, the LINK and FORTRAN (also F77) compilers can all be off
SY:, so they don't use CREF. I have not tested with C, but I don't
think so either.
Since I anticipated that RSTS might use CREF with other programs, I
to keep everything compatible. Maybe one day, it will actually be
What I still
don't know is how RSTS handles the .CStatus RT-11 EMT
Would you be able to run a small test program under RSTS for me to
that question. Or is there a downloadable RSTS image available that
can run
RSTS under SIMH available that I can use to test it myself?
Yes. See the SIMH software site:
I will give it a try. Actually, my preference right now is to execute
the .SaveStatus
followed by a .ReOpen if the environment is RT-11. This will only be
done if the
monitor is unmapped (bit 12 of offset 300 on a .GVal is zero).
Otherwise, when
a mapped monitor is present, skip both and go directly to the .CStatus
to get the
device for the program open on the overlay channel.
There is also
a final question about the information in the PDF on
page 6-16 which states
that bit 5 of offset 300 will always be zero. Are there no RSTS/E
systems running where
the power is 50 Hz rather than 60 Hz? Unless this omission has
been corrected, but the
documentation has not been updated? Otherwise, the TIME printed on
the listing from
MACRO.SAV will be incorrect if run under a 50 Hz system. Likewise
for other programs
which check bit 5 in offset 300 (the .GVal EMT request) and attempt
to convert ticks to
the time.
Yes, RSTS runs on 50Hz systems, no problem, though I've never
personally done it. All I know is that RSTS attempts to present the
time value in a format RT expects (as it keeps time different
internally from RT). Maybe the ticks value IS wrong. Is it every
displayed? I just don't remember whether MACRO uses that in its
listings or not.
Based on your explanation and the documentation in the PDF on page
6-16, my
assumption is that RSTS converts all time quantities to ticks based
on a 60 Hz
clock. So even if the actual hardware is running at 50 Hz, the
conversion into
ticks to satisfy the .GTim EMT request does so based on a 60 Hz clock.
I can't say that for certain. .GTIM will return a "reasonable" value.
I don't think I made myself clear. My assumption is that RSTS provides the
user of the .GTim RT-11 EMT request with a value that is correct for a 60 Hz
clock even if the actual system is using a 50 Hz clock, then telling the
user via
bit 5 in offset 300 that a 60 Hz clock is present. That keeps
everything compatible.
Otherwise, the
time of day at the top of each page in the listing
would be
noticeably less than the correct time near the end of the day, i.e.
too few ticks
would be calculated.
No. The .GTIM value is recomputed each time it is requested. The
emulator performs a .DATE request to RSTS and then converts the values
into RT-11-expected quantities each time it is called. IF there is a
conversion error, it is more or less constant.
I believe we are both saying exactly the same thing. The reason there is
no conversion error is because the RT11 Run Time system under RSTS
calculates ticks based on what a 60 Hz clock would generate and tells the
user a 60 Hz clock is present. The user then converts ticks back to the
correct time assuming a 60 Hz clock and gets the correct time. Seems
sort of silly, but can't be done any other way, of course.
Please let me
know if you can run a small RT-11 program under RSTS to
print the contents of the information provided by the .CStatus EMT
You can perform this yourself with the software referenced above.
I will certainly try.
According to the code .CSTATUS merely returns
immediately to the
calling program without doing anything.
I will make that assumption then since it seems like the correct solution.
However, you do not mention if the CARRY bit is clear indicating no
error or set indicating an error. I would tend to assume at least the
latter since otherwise the user would attempt to use data that could
cause a serious problem. Can you check the question of the CARRY
bit status on return from RSTS for the .CStatus EMT request?
Hope this helps,
This all helps quite a bit. In fact, without the PDF and your suggestions,
I probably would not have been able to justify to myself, let alone others,
the reasons for all of the extra code. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
It seems like you have access to the source code for the RT11 Run Time
system under RSTS? Is that the situation?
Also, I have a few older V9.0 RSTS and Micro-RSTS manuals from around
1985 that I will likely toss within a year. How can I get them to you
so they
can be scanned? I also have a number of RT-11 manuals of V04.00 and
early V05.00 and V05.01 manuals. Also I believe a full set of V05.05 of
RT-11. Since your site has so many different versions of RSTS and RT-11
which are incomplete for most versions less than the latest distributions, I
thought that the manuals may be interesting to you.
Also, are you aware of anyone else who is still active in writing bug
fixes and
enhancements for RT-11? If anyone else actually is active, I have not found
them at this point.
Jerome Fine