Hehe, I did see some issue of Byte for sale on eBay the other day (not the same auction),
but decided against it as I don;t have the space :(
I did get "Graphic On The ARM Machines" by Roger Amos (published by Dabs Press
in January 1993). Not hugely great for me since I don't have an Acorn Archemedes
(though I did use them at Secondary School in the early 90's) I thought, but I decided
to snap it up anyway for ?5 since noone else had bid on it.
The book came today and looks to be an interesting read. One of the first chapters talks
about Vector graphics which is bound to teach me something. In one of the later chapters
it talks about fonts, how they were made/stored and even anti-aliasing!
Now I *know* anti-aliasing didn't make it into games consoles until 1997 (on
Nintendo's N64 console), but I assumed it was something totally new at that time. Now
I realise it must have been new to games consoles.
Does anyone here know when anti-aliasing was first used and who came up with it? (No time
to google it tonight)
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at yahoo.co.uk
Chris M <chrism3667 at yahoo.com> wrote:*>> snip <<*
my back hurts just thinking about picking all that up...
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