On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Philipp Hachtmann wrote:
I for example have a DG Nova 2 and nearly *NO*
information about it. All I
know is that the PSU and lights are OK. And that I can play around a bit. I
have no reliable documentation. And no clue how to hook up a TTY or load
software and all the like...
That might sound a bit stupid... but... I got frustrated by the lack of
*everything* for my Nova. All I have for the machine is plenty of core
Why is DG stuff not put onto Bitsavers?
Hmm, what is wrong with the DG stuff that is actually on Bitsavers? I can
find programming information, schematics of the Nova 2, programming
guides, bootstrap loader listings etc. Or did I miss something you
may have told me some time ago?