From: Chris M <chrism3667 at>
--- woodelf <bfranchuk at> wrote:
Chris M wrote:
And...what was the first computer *any* to have
The Apple (1?) must come fairly close the mark.
I remember (from the web) there there was no source
for the integer
basic , it was all hand coded.
I had read many years ago that the first thing Jobs
did was in fact write the BASIC interpreter. This
totally mussed my brain up. Turns out that in the
"time sharing" days it was common to hand code
assembly, and present the work Friday afternoon to
the, I don't know, job guy.
And frankly, I hadn't until now contemplated that the
A1's BASIC was written in binary. Lordy
It was a cost thing. They were really running on a shoe string
then. The thought that you could actually run micro
computers with assemblers and compilers hadn't caught
on yet. People still believed that it took a mini or larger
to convert source to code. There were a few tape based
assemblers out there but not for free.
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