Look at Nortel's site. They bought Bay a couple of years ago.
John Boffemmyer IV wrote:
i'm now in search of anything pertaining to the
Bay Networks 16/4
BayStack Token Ring Hub with Fiber MDA RO/RI, 24port RJ45.
Documentation, manuals, software (it does seem to have a DB9 "console"
port on the back)? it is currently working well on my little network
of 3 token ring machines (one P-III 850, one Athlon 750 and one P-II
350), where i get link, 16M, FRM, Mgt, etc. steady Green. One thing
that bothers me though: WTF is NNM and DCM and why are they flashing
Green? also, is there a way to disable the MDA module and why is it
showing Snpx lit steady Green? there is no connection to it currently.
the hub does, however, link up nicely to the 3Com LinkBuilder FMS TR
12 that i also have through cascade port 1 on the Bay unit and the
internetworking port on the back of the 3com unit. main goal: to make
the P-350 my main linux netowrk server with my own web hosting at some
point and email hosting with dual or possibly quad token ring going
out to the network and having a singular ethernet AMD PC-Net II (IBM
badged) PCI for Ethernet going out to the router and out to the
broadband cable modem. i even went out and found the nifty yellow
ethernet cables (CAT5) that have soft rubber strain relief boots on
them (really nice and professional looking and obtained free). =)
Note: next goal is to toss narrow SCSI into the linux box (it is still
partially built) and maybe have dual 9 gb or quad 4.x gb drives in it.
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