On Sat, 26 Apr 1997 BigLouS(a)aol.com wrote:
I just swapped a bare II/E for a Bare II. Going
price for a bare IIE is about
$20 on the Apple newsgroups. Apple II's don't seem to be valued very much in
the Apple II newsgroup or for sale group.
Well, that's mostly because the machine isn't appreciated yet. Sure a
trillion were made, but has anyone actually ever SEEN one? Yeah, sure,
maybe a few of us, but I'm sure EVERYONE here can say they've seen a //e,
a //c or even a //gs, but not the original, plain old vanilla ][.
A //e would sell because it is still an extremely usable machine. Even
if you added the 16k language card to a ][ and gave it a lowercase ROM
and a shift-key mod, it still couldn't run a good deal of specific
applications that make the apple ][ usable these days. Thus the ][ is
considered a cripple.
I remember seeing Apple II's (vanilla) for sale. The salesman told
me about how much better this other machine (II+?) was since the II
only had integer BASIC and uppercase. This was not too long after I
had my first exposure to computers and was dying to get one of my own.
I also remember seeing Apple III's and Atari 800's on sale at Weinstock's.
There was a strange time for a while in the late 70's and early 80's when
many department stores had a "computer department". This was the case
in Sacramento, was it like that in other cities?