2009/1/25 Jim Battle <frustum at pacbell.net>:
First, the questions: does anybody know what happened
to AFIPS Press?
Next, the background:
I bought a used AFIPS 1979 Conference Proceedings (Vol 48) of the National
Computer Conference. I bought it for a single article.
I'd like to scan and post that article online. Although I've scanned other
material and put it online, I know ACM and IEEE are still very protective of
even 40 year old publications, as they actively sell reprints online (some
of which I've bought). This is a meaningful revenue stream to them.
I have checked the IEEE web site and I can not find any references to
this directly. The closest I get is references to a computer
conference within the "Computer" periodical.
Any chance you can list the titles and authors of any of the papers?
"Well, an engineer is not concerned with the truth; that is left to
philosophers and theologians: the prime concern of an engineer is
the utility of the final product."
Lectures on the Electrical Properties of Materials, L.Solymar, D.Walsh