Tony Duell wrote:
I've still
got a few big Halon-charged units whose gauges say they're fine,
but I know that Halon's a no-no because it eats a hole in the sky. So
All I can say to that is that you should compare the environmental damage
done by a couple of Halon fire extinguishers with the damage that would
be done if you had to rebuild all your classic computers and other stuff
from scratch.
Apples and oranges, though. What you really need to do is compare the
environmental damage or your two halon extinguishers (or rather all the halon
extinguishers that are actually *used*) and compare that to other sources of
halon (or equivalents) that cause similar environmental damage.
I bet the banning of halon extinguishers was cooked up by a bunch of
politicians to make it look like they were "doing something" rather than going
after the real culprits :-(