I am attempting to create an assembler to machine code table, something along the lines
move.l a3,$12345678 -> $23 $CB $12 $34 $56 $78
Has anyone already done this? I don't mind whether the machine code is referenced in
hexadecimal, octal or binary. I just need this to help me out with something - I have
tried some disassemblers, but since they often (always?) turn data/text into ASM
instructions and create false jumps etc. I am attempting to do it by hand. But before I
can do that, I of course need the machine code references to start with!
Failing that I will just have to create it myself - I have started, but having realised
the number of possibilities for just the move.l instruction I feel that this could be
another long project....
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at yahoo.co.uk