On Wed, 25 May 2011 18:50:42 +0100 (BST)
ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk (Tony Duell) wrote:
Is the B012 jut a TRAM motherboard then, taking power
form the VME bus
and bringing the links out on (I asusme) the B connector?
As far as I understood
the docs the B012 is just a TRAM carrier with
some C004 link switch chips. It is VME form factor, but the pinout of
the connector is very non-VME. I think it was build that way so that
you can use a generic VME card cage and you had to provide your own
The (damaged) card cage I pulled the boards from supports this. It
hadn't a real backplane at all. Only connectors with some hand soldered
wires, mostly for power. There where cables hanging out where the host
was connected.