A couple of
people have talked to me about the MassPar and HP3000, but so
far nobody has taken any steps to acquire them. If they last another 10
days "intact" I will be surprized. Both are located in the SoCal area, and
both could be removed with a small truck (with a lift gate) and a couple
hundred (or so) bucks. The HP though has a good twenty 18" cube boxes of
manuals which will be a load in themselves.
Is there any chance someone could save at least some of the MassPas boards?
William Donzelli
The only person I know of bidding on the MassPar wants the drives
primarily, and to scrap the rest for the gold. I would say chances are slim
of getting boards, but $$$ does talk.
It would be a shame though for a AFAIK intact somewhat at least significant
machine to be broken down to parts.