The system is a Micro PDP 11, 8 slot Rack mount, with
1 M8189 1123+
1 M8067 KB 256k Memory
1 M8639 YA MFM rx50 controller
1 M8029 RX-02 controller in this order.
Everything else seems to work. I added the floppy card
but the rest original.
I'm not a 'Qbus person', much prefering Unibus machines, but IIRC one of
the ST506/RX50 controllers (RQDX1 I think) had to be the last device on
the bus since it didn't pass on grants. If that's the controller you
have, then the RXV21 would mever get BGs or NPGs and woul;d probably do
what you're seeing. Try putting the RXV21 first...