Can someone please explain what the problem is
with my posts? I mean technically, not in terms
of relative value to the discussion.
I am (I'm pretty sure) legitimately subscribed to
the list. You can ask Al Kossow who I am.
I believe I have been a subscriber since 2002,
although I only have messages dating back to 2004 to prove it.
I was formerly subscribed as tpeters at
That was email address from the late 1990's until
it was lost when my ISP got out of the business.
In December 2010 I re-subscribed as
a50mhzham at and this is the address
cctalk is sending all posts to. Except mine.
I have just logged in and checked my options.
Apparently I'm set correctly (settings are all as
I expect them to be) especially "Receive your own
posts to the list? " which is set to "Yes."
I find I can no longer post. I do not see my own
posts. My last few messages about SA-801 floppy
drives were accused of being spam, with some sort
of trojan or virus attached.
What's going on? Why, if I get the posts from
everyone, do my own not appear? How is it that I
can log into
with no problem, and yet be unable to post?
Please help.
-Tom Peters
150 . [Language] Then there's the apocryphal
statement attributed to Alexander Haig: "There
isn't a word in the English language that can't be verbed."
NEW: a50mhzham at ? N9QQB (amateur radio)
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