On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 20:27:48 -0500, Christian Gauger-Cosgrove
<captainkirk359 at gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, I'm never again letting the machine out of my
sight or leaving
the house without Crazy Psycho Bitch Lady With No Respect For Personal
Property in tow, and/or the machine and rack bolted to the floor,
wall, and any available fixed surface. Because*I* didn't do anything
to lose my entire PDP-11 system beyond living at my university dorm.
CPBLWNRFPP did something to my system and it is out of my possession
without any way for me to get it back -- and she can't give me a
straight story as to whether she threw the machine out, or sold it.
Personally since she has no idea what the machine was other then an --
in her words -- "old, dirty, fucking computer" I think she carted it
to the dump and tossed it. Oh and it was*FAR* from dirty as I made
sure to keep it spotless (the all white bevel/faceplate drove me nuts
as it seemed to attract dust from everywhere in a three light year
radius... just like my piano).
Get Rid Of Her. Now.