Wrong !!!
The actual translation is:
Good morning boy and girls, I have in my posession a very RARE L@@K Altair
era spectrun style robot and I want to screw over anyone who would be
vaguely interested and make a bunch of money on top of that.
If you are stupid (and rich) please send me $2200 and in return I will send
you a $300 robot (well actually $300 is the maximum I could see on ebay).
By the way I'm not in it for the money I just do it so you poor robot
starved people get a once in a lifetime change to own this very rare Banned
on ebay leaving forever robot W0W.
Thank you
PS: If we complete this transaction I also have a C64 that I'm willing to
sell for only $1350 plus tax to you.
I sure hove to be doing business with you soon
je possède un robot maxx qui fonctionne il ne me
manque que le chargeur
je le vends 15000fr soit 2200 dollards
si interessé mail me :-)))
Hello. I have a Maxx robot which is functioning. It
is only missing the charger. I will sell it for 15000
francs or 2200 dollars. If interested e-mall me.