I have two Facit units, they can be switched between
500 and 1000 cps.
They support start-stop mode (quite slow) and a continuous-run mode. The
Hmm... I wonder what the advantage is over optical units, then...
I have some Trend optical readers. The HSR500 is a 500 cps bidirectional
unit, the UDR700 is a Unidirectional 700cps unit (there was also a slower
UDR350). These readers will get up to full speed in quite a short time
(the motor runs continuously, the tape motion is started by a soleoid
lifitng a pinch roller onto the tape), and when running at full speed you
can stop them _on_ a chracter (in other eords, you can read a character,
and if your controller is fast enough to determien that's the character
you want, and then deassert the tape run signal, the tape will stop
without any more characters being read, if you then assert the tape
run line again, the next sproket pulse on the interface conenctor will be
the next character on the tape, nothing is lost).
These readers are very simple, both electroncially and mechanically. I
wonder why cpacitive reading is a good thing.