Hi all,
It is probably asked before, but I can't seem to find it in the archives.
I have a MicroPDP up & running 2.11BSD but no spare TK50 tapes to make
a backup of it, before I f*ck it all up :)
I do have a lot of TK50s which weren't mine and they have data on it
of which I do not know the status. They came with a MV3100 with VMS on
it, which I am going to use eventually as well. So I'm not really
willing to just scrap the data on those tapes. I'd like to make a
backup-image of those across the LAN before I write anything else on
How do you guys usually do it?
# tcopy /dev/rmt0
to see what's on it
# dd if=/dev/rmt0 bs=??? | rsh
other_current_bsdmachine_with_lots_of_diskspace -l <user> dd
of=vms_tape_file?.img bs=???
for every file on there?
I didn't even know `dd' wouldn't cross EOF boundaries tbh (wasted my
youth on C64s and Amigas :)).
~ UNIX is basically a simple operating system,
? ? ? ? ? ?but you have to be a genius to understand its simplicity. ~ dmr