Tony Duell wrote:
The 2 Far-Eastern kits came as a bare PCB, a bag
of components, a back og
gears and axles, and so on. You had to assemble everything. And the
instructions explained what the various bits did and why (OK, the
explanations were at a simple level, but still fairly accurate). And
there was no pre-programmed microcontroller. In fact no ICs at all. Just
10 discrete transsitors, and assocaited passives (the 2 kits, although
quite different mechancially, were very similar electroncially).
Educational value : Lots.
And I find 10 transistors to be a lot more elegant a design than the
thousands of transistos in a microcontroller...
... and one time two tubes did all your work @ 45 volts. :)
I have a Philips book called 'Practical Robot Circuits' which partly
covers making a robotic 'dog' with rather more capabilites using
_valves_. Lots of them., I can't rememebr what valaves they are, but I
can rem,emeber they were 1.5 filament (directly heated) B7G based ones (7
pin miniatures), and not the common ones. IIRC things like DF92 (DF91 and
DF96 are common pentodes in that series, the DF92 is not).
It would be fun to build, though...