Ok - so this particular system wasn't all that secure!
Armed with the info that Jim told me regarding 'END' being "return
to the command prompt" (I had previously thought it ment "end
debugger and continue where you left off") ... I did this:
- Logged into the BACKUP account - got to the menu of
backup commands.
- Hit BREAK - Got me to the '!' debugger prompt.
- Entered 'END' - Got me to the '>' TCL prompt
- Tried LISTVERBS ... This list was much larger than
the one I got from GAMES ... Nearly 300 commands.
Many of them look "systemish" - I'm guessing at this
point that BACKUP may be a privileged account -
makes sense since it would need to access "everything"
in order to back it up)
- Noticed that one of the commands listed is: PASSWORD
System responded with 'Account name?'
- Typed: SYSPROG
System responded with 'New password?' :-)
- Typed 'DAVE'
And returned to the TCL prompt.
.. Sure enough, I can now logon to SYSPROG with
the password 'DAVE'.
Yee - Haw!
Next step is to see if I can backup the system...
Some Q's:
(Keep in mind that I have very little actual info on
Pick system administration and commands - please
be verbose):
- What is the best way to backup the entire system
so that it can be restored?
- From what I have determined, this system can boot
from tape ... Is there a way to make a backup that
is "bootable" (ie: I can boot from the tape and restore
the system). If not, how can I make a bootable tape
that can be used to restore another backup.
[As you might guess, what I am trying to accomplish
is to insure that the system can restored in the event
of a catastrophic failure (either hard-drive or me
screwing something up beyond a functional state).
- Do I need to "format" tapes before using them?
- Is there a way to write to and verify (ie: test) the
tape system?
- Other suggestions/advice welcomed.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: