Zane H. Healy wrote:
Sorry all, couldn't resist, and it is really cool
running Linux/Win95/WinNT
at the same time on the same machine. For more info see, I need to test a couple more things, but I think I'll
be buying a copy, despite the price tag.
It do look like an interesting product, and I too am probably going
to license a copy once stability has been demonstrated. (There have
been no counter-demonstrations reported so far in the channels I
follow -- so I'll probably get the first non-beta edition). But not
to run Windoze (the only MS products I'm running regularly are Excel
[under Wine -- I've got to move my videotape catalog to another
spreadsheet] and the TRS-80 ROM image I use with xtrs). I want to
have Free-BSD and SCO on my machine subordinate to Linux.
(Actually, I do have other MS stuff going -- the ROMs in my Mod 100s
and my Color Computers, the BASICs in my TRS-80 Model II and my 4p.
Stuff where Bill G. was still doing some of the coding before he
decided to concentrate on bloating his fortune and the programs his
employees wrote.)
Ward Griffiths <> <>
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and Firearms can be hazardous to your health -- and get away with it.