Martin Scott Goldberg wrote:
Martin Scott
Goldberg wrote:
On a
BeBox, it's Pretty Damn Fine. I tried it on a PC a few years
ago, right after v5 came out, and decided Linux was a better choice there.
What was your reasoning?
Mostly compatibility. I do Unix training and network stuff for a living.
Compatibility as far as network stuff? Most of the POSIX compliant Unix
software should be able to be ported over, which is why I'm curious what
specifically you needed.
Mostly I needed test-bed capability for the Linux stuff we do,
reliable presentation of remote X11 apps, and performance. On the
hardware I had, BeOS seemed notably slower than Debian.
Also, BeOS
software was still mostly commercial, and I was poor.
Yah, I Guess you had to wait for the OS to fail and fall in the hands
of hobbyests before the non-commercial stuff came. Heh.
Yeah. Now, of course, I have a bunch of commercial multimedia apps
that came with my BeBox, plus the open-source stuff. At the time, circa
v4.0, I think, it wasn't nearly that easy.