On Thu, 6 Jun 2013, John Wilson wrote:
I run DR-DOS V8.0 all day long on my main development
machine. It's a shame
it turned out their FAT32 support code was (essentially) stolen and they had
to regress to V7.03 (which is still available on
drdos.com) -- I wonder if
any of the current owners even knows how to program? FAT32 is perfectly
straightforward. But anyway the OS is great, and each of the utilities is
usually improved in some way, compared to the MS versions.
The guys that own DR-DOS right now used to be the guys behind Caldera
before the merger with SCO. They're doing no development that I can see
and are just bleeding out the code base for whatever they can get for it
in the embedded market. I worked a LOT with a very nice guy from the
Novell EDC back in '96/'97 to get GEM and DR-DOS ("OpenDOS") released as
open source. We got as far as the GEM stuff and the OpenDOS kernel &
command.com, but the corporate minders put a stop to it after that. I
still have my "OpenDOS MRS" CD that contains a complete buildable tree for
the whole thing. Includes all the compilers, linkers, etc. It's quite
the hodge-podge, but it works. :)
I onced asked for permission to release what I had, and the guy on the
phone came as close to the ideal descrption of "apopleptic fit" as I've
ever heard. :)
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