Tore, hi..
A great story, mirrors to an extent my experience with the UK goverments
PDP-7 #41, as a young engineer given the manuals and told "work it out",
fell in love with computers especially the 7. We built an interface between
the 7 and a PDP-11, a bit like Max Burnett's hybrid.
It's a pity your 7 is not working better, but at least it still "lives", and
has not been sent to the dump, don't do that please.
Best regards,
Mike Hatch
Web -
Looking for a PDP-7 (some hope!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tore Sinding Bekkedal" <toresbe at>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
<cctalk at>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 10:48 PM
Subject: [personal] Re: Computer (museum) registers [was RE: Modules for
On 3. feb.. 2009, at 20.51, Pontus wrote:
Rich Alderson wrote:
Where is there a register of PDP-7 systems? I
know of only two,
Its been on this list before, here is the link:
Lets hope the two you know about are not on the list :)
That PDP-7 is in Oslo. However, it is not in operable condition.
Long story follows:
The PDP-7 was my first real retrocomputing project. In retrospect, it was
probably a massively bad call for a first project! Before I began, I
didn't even know what a capacitor was. The machine was in the university
library in which I was hanging out. It was a better use of time than
attending class. Although my grades suffered, I never did really have
trouble justifying skipping a school FrontPage class for deciphering the
inner workings of a computer. :-)
Before I touched anything, I took the maintenance and user manuals with
me to a week-long holiday at my family's summerhouse, and I still
remember the deep effect the F-77A service manual had on me. (now there's
a sentence you don't hear every day...) I'd been a computer geek before
this, but I had never quite understood computers past the level of "I
input some mnemonics, and then magic happens inside the chip".
A few years later, I saw a video of Steve Wozniak explaining how he "fell
in love" with the PDP-8 as he read the manual. He exactly described my
own feelings. Although I had idly programmed computers since I was 12
(Well, since age 9 if you count BASIC - but one doesn't, does one...)
this was the first computer I felt I could *understand*, and it made a
lasting impression on me and gave me a lasting fascination with
retrocomputing as a way of "understanding" computers and computer
engineering in a way that is simply not possible with the vastly more
capable but yet somehow less interesting modern systems.
The PDP-7 documentation was "describing a world" which was immensely
fascinating to me.
Anyway, back to the machine itself. Having read up on it, and consulted
with electronics engineers (funny how those seem to be abundant in a
CS/EE building, huh...) and also this mailing list, I found that the best
course of action was to reform the capacitors in the PSUs, and then test
the PSUs under a dummy load. The capacitors all held a charge
marvelously, and were surprisingly close to their labelled capacitance.
The PSUs were all within spec - not bad for a system that hadn't seen
power since 1977!
When initially powered up the CPU was completely dead. I managed to
locate a few problems with individual components and swapping the boards
for working ones. (There was a cache of spare flip-chips - and I refused
to allow a PDP-7 to become my first soldering job!). One of my first
repairs, and the one that really got the system going, was swapping out a
B204 -- IIRC, the faulty board had an off-value resistor -- in the main
timing chain.
By the time I was "done", the CPU was able to fetch, decode, and execute
arithmetic, conditional branch, and OPR instructions - and those were
just the ones I tested. However, when I STARTed the CPU, the system
looped at location 0. I quickly found out why: The physics department
had, to deal with an increase in I/O load, created their own Automatic
Priority Interrupt (The paper I read described it as "a poor man's API" -
I think it was submitted to DECUS).
The professor who used the machine is quite tall, over 2 meters, at
least - and is described by many as "Norway's (largest/greatest)
scientist". One time in the 1970s, he and a colleague of comparable
stature were at a DECUS or DECworld or somesuch meeting. The
conferancier, when receiving them, asked - "Are all Norwegians this
tall!?". Immediately, his colleague replied - "No - we were the only ones
who could fit on the plane.". :-)
The PMAPI was built out of 74-series circuitry. Of course, when the
system was decommissioned only a few years later, 74-series logic was
both bloody expensive and general-purpose, so those boards were removed.
As a result of this, the CPU always loops on an active-low IRQ from the
I/O rack.
The absence of any I/O left me unable to test any of the other peripheral
devices. The paper tape reader would start when asked to by the CPU (The
binary load feature necessitated some direct glue between the controller
and the CPU), The Teletype would transmit correct codes as read by the
I/O rack status lamps. The TTY itself (a KSR33) had a missing codebar
reset bail, and eventually the H-bar broke (wow, it's been 4 years and I
still remember the name of the damned parts. The Teletype manual was also
a fascinating read.)
The core memory could store and recall worst-case noise patterns entered
into the system by a program I wrote which I stepped through while
holding in "CONTINUE".
Considering how inexperienced and unknowledgeable I was, I'm damned glad
I never managed to make anything catch fire, and as a bonus, I think I
really got quite far all things considered.
The wall-like learning curve was very interesting to climb and I'm a
happier person for it.
-Tore :)