Subject: Re: 8008?
From: woodelf <bfranchuk at>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:53:24 -0700
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
Chuck Guzis wrote:
So what's an 8008 chip worth? I've got
one that I don't need. I'll
entertain reasonable offers.
Well what does the buyer need it for? Most people here want it blinking
lights not collecting dust. In 1975 a candy bar was about 15 cents,
today it is
a $1.00 That is a about a 6:1 price change , so a $60 8008 could be up
to $360 for a fair market price today, how ever many people are use too
-- it is outdated
so carry it away for $1. Myself would not pay more than $100 considering
how easy it is possable to damage it.
Damage it?? Those 10u PMOS devices are far more resiliant than current