>-----Original Message-----
>From: Greg Purvis [mailto:safehaus at
>Subject: Identifying CCTALK in my email queue
>I just joined.
>I subscribe to PC BUILD as well. Each message that arrives is prefixed
Prefixes are a good idea gone bad. On my Tandy Color Computer list, which
has a [CoCo] prefix, it's good until someone replies a couple of times, and
the message gets gatewayed thru the Yahoo CoCo list, then it looks like:
"Re: Fwd: [CoCo] Re[2]: Re:[Color Computer]"
and by that time, you can't see the original subject anymore.
It can also diddle up those mailreaders that sort by threads, thereby
making it more inconvenient to accurately follow such threads.
> Maybe CCTalk could do the same thing. It would
sure help, as I clear
> the queue of daily spam.
What mail client do you use? Most (all?) have some form of built-in
filtering that you could use to automagically filter all of your stuff for
you. I get about 600 messages *a day* and have to manually filter very few
of them; admittedly, I've been running the same version of Eudora (5.x) for
about 6+ years now, and my filter list is now longer than my arm.
And rumor has it that Evan Koblentz may have mentioned
these words:
That's been discussed a trillion times before.
So has top-posting. ;-) ;-)
Just filter your mail by the header term
"classiccmp" into a different
Better yet: Filter on this header:
X-BeenThere: cctalk at
Guaranteed to be unique for shiznit coming from this list. Most (all?)
mailing lists have some form of 'filtering' X-header like this.
If you (the OP) have more questions on filtering, email me privately and
I'd be more than happy to help.
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????