Subject: Re: More parts I need to replace on the VT100
From: Scott Stevens <chenmel at>
Date: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 21:41:54 -0500
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 22:53:21 +0000 (GMT)
ard at (Tony Duell) wrote:
Thanks for all the advice, and no, I didn't find any offense whatsoever in
your post. I think you for the advice and I checked that book out from the
You;'d be suprised. Some people take offence at being told what they
consider to be obvious.
library here at work (I work at a community
It''s not a cheap book, but I'd strongly advise buying your own copy. It
is not a book you are going to grow out of quickly (if at all, I consider
that I have a reasonable understnading of electronics, but I still often
lookt in TAoE). It's one of those books that I think every hacker should
own (along with the 'Minix book' we discussed last week, K&R, etc).
I have the first edition (black slipcover) and bought it back when I was making a mere $4
an hour in the early 80's. And I have never regretted that purchase. It is the
'modern' edition of 'The Radiotron Designer's Handbook' which is a
similar book from the vacuum tube era. Lots of substancial content. The Art of
Electronics can be your ONLY electronics book and stand well in that role.
It was written, incidentally, to BE the only needed electronics book, for technically
minded people, scientists, etc. For the kind of scientist who rolls up his/her sleeves
and builds his/her own test equipment for the lab.
When It comes to books it's about thin only thing I spend too much on. My library
includes books like the Radio Amatuers Handbook(arrl press) from for about every
five years or when they made format changes about 1955 to current, OSDI Minix
second edition hard cover, K&R the little white book and a Bell Tel "A" size
copy from their think tank with margin notes, Of course the Grey, orange and
Blue walls and a couple of feet of the DEC handbooks. Then I get into things
like parts databooks going back to when dirt was being spec'd. Information
and the books that contain them are the single most precious part of what I
have because it spans all aspects of electronics.
Now the 'The Radiotron Designer's Handbook' fits in that pile as just one
opinion along with my old college texts.