Mac -> Asante SCSI to ethernet adapter ->
Farallon Etherwave
ethernet to Localtalk adapter -> Laserwriter
I likely would have removed the adapter chain and
connected the Laserwriter to the Mac directly with the Localtalk
ports but I wasn't going to try and walk someone through a
reconfigure like that over the phone.
Yeah, I would have gone Mac to Ethernet (if the mac needed the ethernet),
and LaserWriter to Mac via localtalk, run Apple's local talk bridge
software, and the whole ethernet network (including the local mac) will
see the laserwriter on the ethernet network.
Much easier than ethernet to etherwave to localtalk. But you are right,
if they didn't know to connect the LW directly to the mac in the first
place, you probably would have had fun trying to walk them thru it over
the phone.