--- Marvin Johnston <marvin at rain.org> wrote:
Someone I know *had* some 14" drives but the only
thing I saw left were two 14"
platters and an aluminum casing. It sounded like the
complete unit was about 24"
or so square and maybe 18" high. Rack mount? I don't
First, does this *really* vague description describe
anything useful? Second,
there was half an aluminum casing left; is this
worthwhile saving?
He is going to see if there are any more drives
left, but I am kind of curious
if it is worth the effort.
I'd say that it would definitely be worth saving. I've
got a 14" platter drive that I use on one of my
machines, a Century Data Systems 300mb drive. It's a
19" rack mount drive, about 24" deep and a foot tall.
Definitely a nice piece of hardware and definintely
something useful - It's one of the very few functional
SMD interface hard drives I have. A lot of old iron
needs these old drives, and I have had a real hard
time finding them. They are always worth saving, even
if nonfunctional.