On 19 Jul 99 at 7:41, Richard Erlacher wrote:
if the monitor is one of the SONY GDM1950 types, you
can adapt
a1280x1024-capable display board for use with it by means of a 500 ohm
resistor between the GREEN output and the application connector composite
blanking signal. It's not perfect, but there's a company on the west coast
of the US which sells boards made in just this way witha custom BIOS which
"sort-of" fixes the remaining issues.
Unfortunately, it requires you have another monitor for use outside the GUI,
one compatible with the DOS' 720x400, 640x400, etc. modes, etc. but these
SONY monitors are better used that way than hauled around. The only signal
connections required are the three BNC coax connections to R,G,and B, with
their respective returns on the shield.
Dick, could you elaborate on this a bit. I realize it is a bit OT but I have
a SuperMac rebadged 19" GDM1950 that I picked up from the curb. It has 5 BNC
connectors and displayed a dark screen when I powered it up bare, but I was
encouraged because there was static on the screen. When I connected it with the
5 BNC connectors to the adaptor I use on my NEC multi-sync 4Ds and turned it on
without a computer powered up, for one glorius moment it displayed an azure
screen which then turned "IBM-blue" and then either to jaggies or dark(can't
recall which). Since then it only displays jaggies. I hesitate getting a
fixed-freq card for it since they are quite expensive and I'm not sure it
works. As well, I use the NEC as an all purpose display with DOS, Mac, and PS2s
on a ABCD switchblock so it would only be a secondary unit.
The big screen is enticing however and if I could use it without having to lay
out too much, since there's no guarantee that it is actually functioning, it
might be impossible to resist. I'm semi-retired, so money is an issue.
What is the "application connector composite blanking signal" and where would
I find it. Would the V-sync and H-sync BNCs be ignored ?
Also do you have the name of this company that has these cards ?
I've also seen unverified info that some ATI cards work with this monitor.
Obviously you would need an adaptor but have you heard of this ? I have an
MCA ATI Mach-32 card in one of my PS2 beasts but have been reluctant to try it
with the GMD1950 because of fear of the "magic smoke" escaping . Both my Power
Mac 7100/66AV and PS2 80 have on-board video and secondary monitor abilities I
ciao larry
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