In article <18899.35064.421120.677345 at>,
Paul Koning <Paul_Koning at> writes:
inner conductor and outer jacket sizes) match.
Also, plain RG-8
doesn't have the 2.5 meter stripes, so you have to measure out
multiples of 2.5 meters for the transceiver placement.
What's the significance of the 2.5m interval?
It's some prime-number-fraction (17 IIRC but it's been a while) of the
wavelength of the data bits (and it's too late tonight to work it
out[1]) The idea is to ensure that the interference effects introduced
by the discontinuities of the taps are not additive.
[1] I've just got back to my room from the 25th anniversary dinner of
JANET, the Joint Academic NETwork which is sort of the UK equivalent of
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York