On Wed, 15 Jun 2011, Zane H. Healy wrote:
There is that, there is also the possibility that no
one really
thought anything of it. I've had the book sitting on a shelf for
years, and my wife just noticed it. Of course the shelf has only
been visable for about 2 years, but...
There are many "whirligig" patterns, that are not necessarily affiliated
with the logos of WW2.
If you draw a square, then draw both diagonals, then color in every other
created triangle, . . . (then put that logo design on the spine of an IBM
360/370 book, . . .
A devoutly Jewish friend was designing and building a rotating bookcase, .
. . until he glanced at the TOP view of it.
Somebody needs to warn the world that all four bladed windmills , . . .
With some careful selection of fonts and line lengths, you can find
warning messages about Microsoft in vertical columns of the bible!
Not to mention, that if you pick an appropriate character representation
(5 bits works better than 8), you can follow the characters of PI out
zillions of digits and find a Microsoft copyright message!
'course, where _I_ work, the question isn't "Are you paranoid?",
it's "Are
you paranoid enough?".