If you used your email address for an ID, my guess is that they will ask
you to change it so that all initial communications between buyer and
seller will go through eBay. I am sure they read this mail, to find out
how much money they are loosing. But I am also fairly sure they treat this
as a statistic and will not act against any specific individual for what
that person says. It is clear that they know that many people make contact
through eBay and then go on to buy and sell off the eBay site.
At 10:04 AM 2/4/2004, you wrote:
Anyone else have their eBay ID forcefully changed
recently? I've had an
account for over 6 years and I predate the rules against using an email
address. Looks like the b******* have decided to forcefully change all of
us using email addresses for our ID's so as to better control the flow of
information to us.