On 5/8/07, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
DLT is pretty quick in my experience for the sorts of
data sizes typically
found on home machines. Different matter entirely (generally) in the corporate
world, of course.
Until we upgraded to Ultrium tapes (super-super DLT at about
200GB/cart for the ones we use), we used to blow two copies of our
telescope data to SDLT on a continuous basis... the primary data from
the main part of the telescope went on both tapes, and raw waveform
data went on only one tape. We filled about 175 tapes per year at
about 140GB (before compression) per tape (~ 75-80GB/day) for an
aggregate total above 24TB per year (rough estimates from memory).
That's for the old telescope. The new one isn't finished yet, but is
much larger.
If you recall the old saw about a station wagon full of magtapes (or a
747 full of CDs), I am able to talk about the bandwidth of an LC-130
with a load of SDLTs from personal experience. ;-)