Same here. Also works for soldering header pins etc.; stick a matching
connector on the other side of the board and they stay flush and
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 11:43 PM Ethan Dicks via cctech <
cctech at> wrote:
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 1:47 PM Richard Milward via
<cctalk at> wrote:
Something that's always worked for me: when
soldering a male DB
connector (DB9, DB25, whatever -- or really any male/pin style
connector), plug it into a mating female connector first. That will hold
the pins securely in place and prevent them from sagging in the plastic
of the body if your soldering iron is too hot or you hold it on too long.
Yep. Been doing it that way for a lot of years. Good tip!