Wow .... Tony and I agree!!! It's a miracle.
It does happen from time to time...
It all goes back to my simplest possible definition .... computer =
automated calculating device that runs a program. :)
What do you mean by 'calculating'? Does this implky numerical computions
Everything else (analog/digital;
mechanical/electronic; binary/decimal;
special-purpose/general-purpose; factory-tuned/user-programmable) --
they're all just subsets.
How do you define the 'program' of an analugue computer? The
interconnetions betwen the suming amplifiers, integrators, etc together
with the gains/functiuos of those units? If so, I guess patching together
digital function blocks (registers, adders, etc) is also a program, in
which case ENIAC was a programmable machine I think.