Alexandre Souza wrote:
I know the
group has hashed and rehashed fiche scanning and I don't
mean to re-open that debate. Obviously fiche scanners exist,
reinventing the wheel isn't cost effective, etc, etc. It's
unfortunate that there's so much manual fiddling to get a good scan,
but those letters are awful tiny.
Ethan, there is a way to easily scan these fiches if a normal scanner
with negative/transparency adapter doesn't fit the bill
The DEC ones I've seen are extremely high resolution - from memory, something
like 11 x 13 A4 pages on a fiche around 1" x 1.5".
I'm not sure what the current scanner technology is like, but not so long ago
consumer-grade stuff just wouldn't handle that kind of density; even the ones
coming somewhere close were relying on lots of interpolation rather than raw
Anyway, is a slow and troublesome way to scan them.
Is there an
automatic scanner?
Ones that'll handle the resolution are around, but probably with dollar price
tags in the five-figure range. (Again, it was a few years ago I looked into
this, so my knowledge is a little out of date)
Somewhere in there archives there's a whole thread on this (Bletchley has
many, many boxes of DEC fiche)