--- Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
really that simple? I have some PAL
units on their way here from OZ. I'd be
elated to
out that all I'd need to do is tweak the
For monochrome composite video, or separate RGB
(wheter TTL or analogue),
then yes, all you should beed to do is tweak the
monitor. The horizontal
frequencies are close enough that it will proabably
sync anyway, if not,
then a touch on the horizontal frequncy control
(maybe an inductor) will
do it. The vertical hold control will probably need
re-adjusting, but
that's all.
Curious where I'd put the inductor...
Of course if the units output PAL colour composite
video it's a bit
harder. Feeding that into an NTSC monitor (even
after the above tweaks)
will get you monochrom output. I've seen NTSC-PAL
converters (simple
colour system converters, they don't change the scan
rates), I assume the
reverse exist too. Maybe that would do the trick.
These are presumably composite color PAL units
(Australia). Have any idea what would go into a
PAL-NTSC converter (how many (roughly) and what type
of components)? I'm just curious how complicated
something like that would be to construct.
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