On 27 December 2012 15:00, William Barnett-Lewis
<wlewisiii at gmail.com> wrote:
I wonder what the state of the art in Atari
emulation is?
Very good, I believe. There are various emulators for gamers which can
emulate different early/original models with great fidelity so that
you can run demos and so on - this is the main focus.
There are also some emulators for those who wish to run desktop TOS apps.
Also, x86 PC GEM itself is now GPL open-source:
(The FreeGEM community is where I first "met" CCmper Gene Buckle.)
There have been efforts to bring across some of the Atari
improvements, but development largely stalled quite a few years ago.
On the Atari side, various people wrote replacements of various bits
of TOS - the VDI, the AES, the desktop and so on - and some of these
parts were FOSS.
Eventually, the result was a complete FOSS Atari OS, containing almost
no original Atari code but highly compatible. It's called AFROS and it
runs best on an emulator called ARANYM, which is designed for running
TOS and TOS apps on PCs, rather than games.
Now that is seriously interesting! I knew there was a reason I was
keeping up with this thread!
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
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