On 21 Apr 2002, R. D. Davis wrote:
Quothe Richard Erlacher, from writings of Sun, Apr 21,
2002 at 11:41:13AM -0600:
What it clearly says if you don't prune the
context is that I'm not alone in
my observation that UNIX stuff costs 10x-100x what the comparable DOS/Windows
Apparently it has something to do with the belief that if they sell it
to a MS-DOS/Windoze/Macintosh user, they're selling it for use by a
single user. If they sell it for use on a system running UNIX, VMS,
AOS/VS, etc., then, unless they can limit the number of users that can
use it, they make the assumption that multiple users will use it.
Another major price consideration is probably the tolerance levels of
the respective admins/users. Unix admins tend to want bugs fixed. Now.
Windows users/admins, even at enterprise levels, are much more likely to
accept the "We'll fix that in the next version" solution. Even knowing
that it's really "We'll fix that in the next version and charge you for