>>>> "Rick" == Rick Bensene
<rickb at bensene.com> writes:
Rick> I have my PDP 11/34 running smoothly with RSTS 9.2, on three
Rick> RL02 drives. I've got an RX02 floppy, and RSTS sees it, but at
Rick> 9.0, RSTS dropped support of floppies as file-structured
Rick> devices. There are two utilities, called FIT and FLINT that
Rick> come as part of the distribution, but I've not been able to
Rick> find any documentation on these programs. Apparently they
Rick> provide a means to access floppies in a semi-file-structured
Rick> method, as well as writing floppies in RSTS or IBM formats.
Rick> All I've been able to glean is looking through the .TSK files
Rick> with a file dumper, and looking at the text portions of the
Rick> images, but they aren't very informative.
Rick> Anyone got any docs on these two utilities?
RSTS NEVER supported native (RSTS format) file structures on RX01/02
floppies. Those were always treated by the kernel as non-file
structures block devices, and intended as interchange media only.
RX50s and their successors -- 5.25 inch floppies attached to MSCP
controllers -- always were file structured and continued that way.
That takes no effort since it just uses the common MSCP machinery.
In any case...
FIT is the interchange program for reading/writing RT-11 file
structure (not just on floppies, but on pretty much any block device
that RT-11 supports). FLINT is the interchange program for reading
"IBM format" -- not sure what that means, not PC format as far as I
can tell, since the code is full of EBCDIC handling. So presumably
it's for some mainframe floppy format...??!!??
The documentation for both should be in the user's manual, which I
don't have. Judging by the source code, it's roughly like this:
FIT command line: output/switches=input/switches
Switches are /rsts, /rt11 to indicate the format type of input or
output. (Also /dos ??? for DOS-11???) /ze to zero (reinit the file
system). /de to delete a file (RT side only). /li to list the
directory. /sq to do an RT file system compress. /watch to be
verbose (show what's going on as it happens).
FLINT seems to want a command ("directory", "toibm",
"torsts", "zero"
(synonym of "erase")); it then prompts for input and output specs.