--- John Allain <allain(a)panix.com> wrote:
Mission Operations Status Report # 2003-03-14,...
Flight System Performance...
Spacecraft Consumption
One Week (Gm) Propellant = 9.12
(Watts) = 305.0
OK Mike, etc,
Since you bring it up, why does this report imply that grams
of fuel equals watts of power? Shouldn't that be watt-seconds
or are they using shorthand?
Having once received weekly Voyager status reports from Ron Baalke,
I read that report as during the week, the spacecraft used 9gm of
propellant, and required 305 W to accomplish its task. In the
case of a Voyager-class probe, with RTG-sourced power, they can
graph number of watts available over time as the heat source decays.
The critical thing is not to set yourself up to draw more power than
the RTG can source. I would expect the spacecraft to go into safe
mode if it hit a significant power deficit.
They used to power automated weather stations in Antarctica with the
same RTG technology, but due to the environmental treaty, the last
one came out over 5 years ago.
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