On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Chris wrote:
I have always wanted to just plug that AAUI to RJ45
cable into a hub and
see if it works without the box... but I have never been willing to risk
frying something.
You won't fry anything, but it doesn't work.
I found one of these AAUI-RJ45 cables a while ago, and thought, "that
can't work, can it?"
I couldn't figure out what else it might've been for, so I grabbed it, and
sure enough, it doesn't work. Now at least I know what it was for.
Folks were forgetting a few threads ago that the ethernet spec defines
media interfaces which are electrically isolated to 400 volts. Want to
know more? Search Google Groups for "etherkiller" in alt.sysadmin.recovery.