On Tue, 2021-06-22 at 19:45 -0400, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
There's actually a surprising amount of preserved material.... Both
in source form, and both run in emulation.
I re-created the Bendix G-15 Intercom 2000 from a manual. Not running,
of course, on a real G-15. Is there a G-15 emulator? CHM has a G-15,
but I understand it's not in operating order.
| The same goes for Multics
I think the 80286 was a better platform than the original for Multics.
And, of course, the Pentium is even better. Is Multics available for
Intel systems?
For most of this the source code still exists, though
I'm not sure
about the 1620 bits.
A Purdue professor had a 20-drawer card file of 1620 software. The fire
marshall insisted he had to get rid of it. I understand he gave it to
CHM. Is it still there?